Friday, January 23, 2009
Happy Friday!
Yesterday, I discovered a new weight loss habit that is going to help me succeed with my new The 3 Hour Diet life style.
First I want to talk a little about drinking enough water, since my new habit concerns drinking water. Jorge Cruise, the author of The 3 Hour Diet, discusses drinking lots of water. He indicates several reasons why it is good for you. It is good for your skin, your digestion, and keeping you hydrated, among other things.
I have always been an avid water drinker and I assume that I am drinking enough because water is the only thing I drink.
Every morning, I kid you not, I drink approximately three glasses before breakfast. The reason I do that is because I am dying of thirst when I wake up. In addition, I drink one or two glasses with every meal. I won't tell you how many meals I have, lol, but lets just say, I was confident I drank enough.
When I was reading, The 3 Hour Diet, Jorge discusses how much we should drink and why. Well, I was wrong, I was not drinking enough water. The amount of water, he suggests drinking, has to do with your weight.
Looking at the amount of water I drink and the fact that I do not drink enough you are probably thinking I weight a lot. Well, in my eyes, I do.
Okay, so, my new habit is, I drink the amount of water I am suppose to, according to Jorge Cruise, and, this is the best part, I drink a full glass of water any time I "think" I am hungry.
Many times I "think" I am hungry but I really am not. It is a mind thing, I think. Well, I tried my new habit yesterday, and after I drank the glass of water, when I "thought" I was hungry, I realized, I was not, at all!
So,that is my new habit or I should say habits. Drink enough water, according to Jorge Cruise, and drink one full glass when I "think" I am hungry. Jorge states that sometimes when we think we are hungry we are just thirsty.
This habit, when put into practice, will help me DESTRESS AND WEIGHT LESS.
What do you think about that? I like it! Now I just have to remember to do it, lol.
Just a friendly reminder, we have our free monthly teleclass, Destress and Weight Less, tomorrow, Saturday, January 24, 2009, at 7 a.m. Pacific. You must be signed up to our free weekly newsletter to get the phone number and access code. By the way, if you are signed up for our free weekly newsletter, you will get the phone number and access code to all of our free teleclasses.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to have fun and be playful, it is in your nature.
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