I am really lovin this book, The 3 Hour Diet. It is really cool. I have been doing it for days now and it makes a lot of sense so far.
The particulars of the diet is, you eat every three hours. In the morning, you eat breakfast one hour after you wake and then you eat every three hours. First breakfast, then snack, then lunch, then another snack, then dinner, and then you get a treat.
Jorge explains how many calories you should intake. He also explains how to measure your plate. Using a nine inch plate, fill half with vegetables or fruits, split the other half of the plate in quarters, and have a quarter plate of protein and a quarter plate of carbohydrates. In addition, you get to eat fat at every meal.
Jorge Cruise claims several advantages to this particular diet. When you participate in loosing weight with the three hour diet, your metabolism increases, you loose belly fat first, you don't get hungry because you eat every three hours, and you get to eat what you want, not in quantity just what kind of food you want.
This diet, or better yet life change, is very enticing to me for several reasons. First, I love to eat and we get to eat every three hours. Second, I do not like to give up my favorite foods. And I would love to loose my belly fat.
Jorge also discusses the importance of all the food groups like protein, carbohydrates, fat, vegetables, fruits, water, and a lot more.
Sounds like a great diet and I am trying it. Oops, I keep saying diet but it really is a life style slash eating habit change.
I am really enjoying reading this book as well. Jorge Cruise is very encouraging and the book has a lot of success stories. I mean, really good stories.
Check the book out if you haven't chosen a plan for yourself for weight loss. And if you have chosen a plan leave me a comment on how you are doing and what program you are using.
I think next month's teleclass I will discuss loosing weight with The 3 Hour Diet.
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Have a great day and don't forget to have fun and be playful.