Okay, the 3 hour diet was good to read and had excellent ideas on how to loose weight and diet better.
The greatest thing I took from the 3 hour diet is the eating plan of every 3 hours, and eating healthier.
Now I am trying to change my diet and loose weight through behavioral modification using The Ultimate Diet Log.
This log is really cool because you evaluate your diet plan for 5 days and then notice good eating habits and bad eating habits.
This evaluation allows you to see some emotional eating, eating until you are over stuffed, and what kinds of food you eat.
The Ultimate Diet Log is a six month journal on what you eat and as you journal your food intake you also journal your exercise.
During this six month period, The Ultimate Diet Log helps you create focus areas so that you may modify your behavior with one focus area at a time. It also measures your weight.
I love this Diet Log because I am focusing on eating more fruits and veggies, on less emotional eating, and less eating until I am over stuffed. Which I love to do, because I looovvve food.
Check it out, you can order it right there in the left column from amazon.com.
I hope this is helpful and good luck to you on your journey.