There are three things that can help me loose weight, or better yet create good health, and that is 1) What I eat, 2) How much I exercise, and 3) My thoughts.
Recently, about the last year or so, I have noticed my thoughts about my weight. I notice my thoughts before I eat, while I eat, and after I eat. Have you ever done that?
This is gonna take a little bit of courage. Before I eat, I noticed that there is someone else inside my head with a mind of their own, that takes over. "I eat what I want and when I want," the voice says. YIKES!
While I eat, I noticed that I have the most stressful thoughts of all my thoughts through out the day. Now, I am not gonna share them but, they are usually about somebody, or something that I am not pleased with. It's almost like I am releasing my stress when I eat.
After I eat, I have all kinds of thoughts about how full I feel, or how fat I feel, or how I should of ate something else, or how I feel bloated. Crazy huh?
Well, when I started to notice this mental behavior, I started to stop saying the things I said to myself in my head. Well, except, "I eat what I want and when I want." he he he...
Now I enjoy my food, every morsel of it, by being in the moment and I eliminate the crazy thought process and after I eat I notice when I am picking on myself, because that is what it is, I stop.
The reason I am telling you all of this is because after I read THE POWER OF NOW, I really noticed my thoughts with a higher level of awareness and it has helped me to be more in tune with my body.
What I noticed is, as I am more in tune with my body, and not allowing my thoughts to run on auto pilot, I eat a lot less and much healthier. When I am more aware I eat foods that will give me energy, I notice when I am physically full, and I stop eating rather than eating everything my eyes see.
One thing I know for sure is we all have stress and it manifests in different ways, for everyone. My stress is manifesting in the physical form of my body. And reading THE POWER OF NOW has helped me contend with this.
How many times have you said, "today I will eat healthier, today I will create healthier eating habits," only to provide different results than intended? Could it be because of the unawareness in your mind? I feel like part of the weight game is my unawareness.
THE POWER OF NOW is all about creating a higher awareness and noticing the ego driven thoughts. I love this book! It has truly enhanced my joy, and if you know me, you know I have plenty of joy already.
Noticing your thoughts is very very important because you can, and will, discover your stressful thoughts so that you may stop them and destress yourself.
Click on the picture above and purchase THE POWER OF NOW from Amazon and just try it. You will be glad you did because part of our purpose in life is to become more aware.
Please, don't believe me, try it yourself.
Have a great day and don't forget to have fun and be playful.
Speak soon...