Hey there!
Did you make your New Year's Resolutions yet? Did you read my post, 'DESTRESS YOURSELF 2011' from yesterday? Well, I was basically pleading with you to make NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. You gotta do it, you gotta set goals to move forward. Now if you have already made some resolutions, please disregard the continued pleading, because here I go. Whatever is going on in your life, you can make it better. If your life is perfect, you can still set some goals.But!!! If your life is not perfect, now is the time to make it so. Now is always a good time to make things perfect. Okay, so, if you don't know what you can do for a NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION, then let me spark some creativity for you. Why not go for something BIG!!! Bigger than more money, or a better job, or a better body, or a better relationship. Let's go BIG by changing YOU! Change your stressful habit. Just pick one stressful habit that you may have, and change it. Let me list some stressful habits... Always being serious
Unhappy, not enjoying life
Never having fun
Thinking life is hard
Dwelling on what you don't have
Worrying morning, noon, and night
Getting offended and letting the offense race in your mind
Always in a hurry
Low self-confidence
Low self-esteem
Low self-image
Being very critical of self
Being very critical of others
Being Angry
Being Irritable
Being Moody
Being Depressed
Being Anxious
Living life in the constant state of going nowhere
Physical exhaustion
Lacking Spirituality Any of these sound familiar? Do you have any of these behaviors? Behaviors are just habits, you know? If you have any of these habits, you are contributing to your own unhappiness, your own stress! So let's destress, shall we? Take the habit you have and make it into a goal. For example, if you are always serious, it is time to be playful. Make your NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION to be MORE PLAYFUL. If you are always unhappy, it is time to be HAPPY. In other words, your goal is to be happier. This may sound silly, or it even may not make sense, but this is what destressing yourself is all about. It is about finding your stressful habits, eliminating them, and replacing them with successful practices. All those other unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, eating too much, or creating drama could all stem from the dissatisfaction in life that may be caused by one or two of the stressful habits mentioned above. If you have one (or more) of the stressful habits mentioned above, or a stressful habit you know is causing your unhappiness, then turn it into a goal, a NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION, so that you can destress yourself in 2011. Okay, I am done pleading, FOR TODAY!!! Have a great day, week, month, and year... Don't forget to have fun and be playful... Speak soon... Elizabeth