Hey there!!!
This weekend was incredible! How did you do? Did you enjoy it? I really hope that you did, and I really hope, with all my heart, that you are enjoying your weekends, your weeks, and every moment that you are living. It is beyond my belief, sometimes, the deepest darkest moments of despair that we go through as humans. In my earlier years, as an EMT, I witnessed Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons, Daughters, Friends, Lovers, Spouses, and Significant others screaming in desperation over traumatic deaths or destruction for their loved ones.As I speak with people in crisis and help defuse despair, I see and hear Paramedics, Firefighters, Police Officers, Captains, Sergeants, Dispatchers, Military Personnel, and EMT's struggle with moving from catastrophe to calm.
When we are in crisis, or in a place that is critical, there is a story that we tell. The story may be, "This is the worst thing that ever happened to me." Or, "There is no way I can handle this." Or we ask questions like, "Why me?" Or, "How am I going to handle this?"
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The nother story is bringing ourselves to look at the bigger picture and minimizing our current situation.
To some people this will sound very cruel because they are very good at defending their despair and the horrible thing that has happened to them. The bigger picture is that we are here, on this earth, for a purpose. We are all here for some grander purpose, and all though I don't really know exactly what it is I do know that we all must go through hard times. We must go through desperation and despair so that we can learn from what we go through.is some sort of school that we are in so that we can get better and better as we get older. Better and better at our stress, better and better at overcoming our trials, and better and better at enjoying life.
Loosing a Father, Mother, Son, or Daughter is not new. It has been happening for years and years, since the beginning of time. Loosing our job or home is not new nor has it only happened to you because it happens to millions. Some people don't even have homes. The story here is, this is life. Life is as easy as you think it is or as hard as you think it is. You can think that you can handle it or you can think that you can't. What story are you telling??? Are you defending your despair? Are you wallowing in your misery and just wondering why life is so cruel to you? Or Are you creating faith in yourself, encouraging yourself, and looking for a better way? Are you telling the story that this is some phase in your life that you are going through, or have to go through, and that you will be fine because you have been through more difficult things than this? What story are you telling yourself? Please forgive me if I seem insensitive, that is not my intention, my goal is to provoke you to tell a better story. If, and when, we tell ourselves a better story, we can move from depression to happiness, from anxiety to calm, from worry to confidence, or from despair to peacefulness. How do we tell ourselves a better story? Write down what you want. Get a little card, maybe a 3X5 card, and just list the things you want. Do you want to feel love? Then write, I AM LOVE. Do you want to feel success? Then write, I AM SUCCESS. Do you want to feel happiness? Then write, I AM HAPPINESS. Do you want to feel calm? The write, I AM CALM. If you do this, you are creating reminders of what you want. This sounds so simple and maybe too easy but try it and I promise you can change your story immediately. The goal is to find out what you want and move towards it! And believe it or not, we have to know what we want first, then we have to remind ourselves to think it, and then we can begin our new story. Please, begin to destress yourself by taking this first step at creating and telling the story that you want. YOU GOT THE POWER! That's all I got... Check out my post, DEEPEST MOMENTS OF DESPAIR PART II ;) Have the best week ever, and don't forget to have fun and be playful. BIG HUGS!!! ElizabethSubscribe to my blog by putting your email address in the box above, and you will receive updated posts. Don't forget to confirm your subscription.
If you need help, email me, I would love to hear from you and help you in any way I can. elizabethstanfill@gmail.com Or, you can download one of my products to help destress yourself If you really need to destress yourself, take the class :D