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Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The quickest way to loose weight, and keep it off, is changing our habits, one at a time.

The best habits to change that will help us loose weight quick, are habits that will increase our metabolism.

Some things that will increase our metabolism are:

1) Increase muscle mass by lifting weights.

2) Drink more water.

3) Eat smaller meals more frequently.

4) Eat healthy foods that produce energy.

5) Eliminate processed foods.

6) Increase metabolism with cardio pumping exercise.

7) Learn to Destress Yourself.

These are 7 habits we can create to increase our metabolism.

Pick a habit, just one habit, implement it, and then choose another habit to implement.

The thing about weight loss is it can be temporary unless we create lifestyle habits. Sometimes we change our behaviors just during the diet and then resort back to our unhealthy habits that created the weight gain in the first place.

Make a commitment to pick a habit, implement it permanently, and then keep going, one healthy habit at a time.

Good luck to you. For more information about destress and weight less habits check out our class How to Destress and Weight Less.

Have a great week, and don't forget to have fun and be playful, it is in your nature.
