Are you ready to obtain the life you dream of?
The theme for this month is, "Taking Responsibility for Your Life." What does that mean? It means taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Therefore, taking responsibility for you life.
Whether you want to loose weight or not, you are totally capable and we, at Destress Yourself, are here to help you.
From January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 we will support you! For Free!
The first step is to set a specific goal, big or small. Pick what you want, the date that you want it by, and make it specific. For example, maybe you would like to loose 20 pounds by September 30, 2009.
The second step is to follow this blog.
The third step is to participate in the free teleclass that is offered monthly, which you can find on our calendar page and access through our free newsletter.
Finally, set some rules and tasks for yourself on obtaining your goal(s). Make a list of all the rules that you will follow, things that will work for you and help you. Also, make a list of all the things that you will have to do to obtain your goals.
Make this simple, and don't stress over it, because all of this will work out perfect as we move along week by week through our year together.
If you do not know what you want, may I suggest that you visit our store and look for the four part Destress Yourself class. This class will assist in finding what is holding you back in life and assist you in discovering your goals and dreams in life.
Let us embark on our journey of changing the stressful habit of being in the constant state of going nowhere to creating a successful practice of taking responsibility for our life. I am so excited!
Don't forget to have fun and be playful, it is in your nature.