Hello there. How are you this fine, beautiful day? I hope you are truly enjoying your New Year and that you are going strong on your New Year Resolutions.
There are two New Year Resolutions that I hold very strongly this year and they are...
1) Get healthier.
2) Discover more ways to serve.
The reason I have this blog is for me more than for anyone else. The reason it is for me is because I manifest my stress through my weight and my midsection, if you know what I mean.
When I was younger, I could eat anything I wanted and I never got to a point where I felt unhealthy. Ya, ya, everyone could say that, right? I would have to say that I have noticed my unhealthy feeling about the age of forty seven. Before that age, which is my age now, I may have been over weight but never with the feeling of being unhealthy.
So, now, I am going to do something about it.
It is my opinion, developed through my experience with my own, and other peoples' stress, that when we are stressed we look for comfort by filling a void that we feel. It is also my opinion that we go in and out of stressful thoughts and emotions, all day long, due to our current culture and the pressures that we have.
It all starts as a void that we feel at a younger age, then we fill the void through external stimuli, like food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs (over the counter, pharmaceutical, or illegal), shopping, lying, inappropriate sexual relations, oh, or chocolate. Sure these things may make us feel better at the moment, but in the long run, they make us feel worse.
After years of the partaking in the void filling, it all just becomes a habit, and then it is an addiction. The way I define an addiction is, something that is not healthy for me that I cannot quit. Food is my addiction. Oh how I love food, oh, and chocolate. I love, love, love me some chocolate. I am the definition of a chocoholic. There is not a day that I go without it, until now. Muwuahahaha!
This rambling all pertains to my being healthier, my New Year Resolution of being healthier.
This is my plan...Eat less and eat healthier.
The reason I want to eat less is because I have read several books and articles, and have watched several documentaries on how we eat too much and what it does to our brain, and to our bodies, like developing diseases. I do not believe that obesity, the actual being fat, causes illnesses and death. I believe that the food in the body develops into a sewage, and that is toxic. Toxins cause cancer, disease, and death.
A week or two ago, I watched a documentary where a man lost fifty pounds in ten days by not eating. He lost that much weight because of the processed food that was still in his stomach. There was nearly fifty pounds of food in his intestines.
Did you know that it can take up to seven to ten days to digest processed foods? If you eat one meal a day of processed foods you can have up to seven meals in your stomach at one time. You ever feel like your stomach is going to deliver a baby or two? I have, after eating crudola.
So, I am going to eat less, and I am going to not eat processed foods. What I am going to do is juice (fruits and veggies only) two meals a day, and then eat just one meal. I am going to do this so I can partake of micro nutrients through the juicing, and train my habitual addiction of grabbing something to eat to feel better, into eating less. I do not need that much food. I do not need three meals a day. I truly believe that with all my heart.
Grabbing food, for me, is just a habitual addiction, especially when I cook, and I love to eat what I cook because I am a great cook.
Now, about filling the void part. Ya! I have been working on that for a long, long time and this is all I got...
When I start to crave something, like chocolate, or not healthy food, I have to ask myself, what do I need? What emotions am I feeling and why do I think I want food?
For thirteen years now I have been meditating and I feel very in tune with my mind, emotions, and body. When I think any thoughts of doubt, fear, or worry, I notice it immediately, and change them, because they cause stress. When I am feeling negative emotions, I feel like I am aware immediately, and then change them, because it causes stress. When I am tense, anywhere in my body, I know, and then I relax immediately. Boy, I sound like I think I am perfect. Maybe I do. Just kidding.
Destressing yourself is all about meditation and creating a place in your thoughts and emotions that is safe and relaxed. When we think and feel safety and relaxation we become more in tune with ourselves. Part of my filling the void is going to that place of safety and relaxation.
That's all I got. Just a ramblin'.
What a ya think? Comment for me below, or email me.
Have a great weekend. Have fun and be playful too ;0)
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