Hello there. How are you? Am doing well, thank you for asking.
In my last post, Destress and Weigh Less, I aspired to getting healthier by eating less and eating healthier.
So far, I have been eating much less. I have been eating only one meal a day. Initially, I said I was going to eat one meal and then juice, which provides micro nutrients, for the other two meals but, I haven't wanted to drink the juices.
Does that concern you? The only one meal a day? It doesn't concern me because I am training myself to eat much less, and I don't believe I need any more than that one meal. This is a life style change, not a loose weight, and then eat more when I do change.
The first couple of days I got really hungry around noonish but I waited until after 2 p.m. to eat. After a couple of days, the hunger disappeared. I could probably fast for a couple of days if I wanted to but I am too addicted to food for that. My meals have been pretty healthy. I eat a couple of fruits, some veggies, and a sandwich, or some soup and bread. I feel totally satisfied. Every now and again, I eat some junk, and my body don't like it much.
Recently, I read this magnificent book, The No Breakfast Plan And The Fasting-Cure, which is free on amazon.com, and was written in 1900. This book has helped my thought process on how eating less is more of a benefit than eating more. This book is written by Dr. Dewey, and he talks about how he does a no breakfast lifestyle, and his friends started to do it too. After living this way for a while, he and his friends started to eliminate all of the little ailments that they had.
In the middle of the book, Dr. Dewey discusses cases about people who are cured from all sorts of illnesses by fasting. Back then, the medications were very limited, and they thought that if you fasted for 10 days you would starve and die. The cases that are discussed are about individuals who fasted over twenty five days, and some up to 40 days. He also discusses the controversy from other Dr.'s and their opinions about Dr. Dewey. Magnificent read! And FREE!!!
This particular book, and many others, has convinced me that eating once a day is all I need, the rest is just indulging for my taste buds and filling my void.
By eating less, I feel healthier, and lighter. By eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and meat sparingly, I am healthier. By eating less, I eliminate the habitual act of reaching for food whenever I want. By eating less, I diminish, and sometimes eliminate, my appetite.
So far, so good. I have been eating less and eating healthier. By eating only once a day, some how I have eliminated some midsection, and I have eliminated my habitual way of just reaching for food to fill the void.
Something else I have been doing is meditating more formally everyday. Before, I would meditate in the a.m., if I had time. Now, I meditate every morning for 30 minutes, right after reading my scriptures for 30 minutes. This is a habit that I want to make permanent.
Meditating is so important to me because it helps me relax and be in tune with my body, mind, and soul. The quiet mind helps me focus and relax, no matter where I am at or what I am doing.
How are your New Year Resolutions? Let me know, by commenting below.
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