Hi there!
Are you ready to destress and weight less?
It is time to take responsibility for your life and to choose a plan.
If you have not chosen a plan, let me just run a list of ideas...
Slim fast - this is a cool plan because you can log onto their website and get a plan for free and they even give you a menu and recipes. Very cool site. This plan consists of shakes, bars, snacks, and a meal or two.
Carbohydrates addicts diet - I tried this plan and liked it. I think I lost like 30 pounds doing this plan back in the early 2000's. On this plan you eat two meals without carb's and one with.
Atkins diet - high in protein and low in carb's.
Weight watchers - I am not sure but I think they still weight their food and they have a point system.
Nutri-system - I do not know much about this diet. I think you pay for your meals and they are proportioned to what we should eat.
Of course these are just a few suggestions but you can google "weight loss plans" or ask your friends and family for advice. And I would advise you to speak to your Personal Medical Doctor before you start any kind of diet.
Diet! Darn four letter word.
Another suggestion I have is that you set some rules to change your life style and eating habits for life, this way you are not on a diet and you continue to loose and maintain your weight.
Yesterday, I was at the book store and I picked up a book called, The 3 Hour Diet, by Jorge Cruise. I have only read through part I, the first three chapters. But, I love it so far. Jorge talks about changing your life style and he has several testimonials on his weight loss plan. The book claims that he has helped millions.
Stay tuned for more information on The 3 Hour Diet and Jorge Cruise. Next post I will share more. One thing I do know is that I may change my eating habits to The 3 Hour Diet. It doesn't really sound like a diet but more like a life style/eating habit change. I posted The 3 Hour Diet book to the left of the blog if you are interested. This link goes to Amazon.com, the lowest prices, that I know of.
Also, I have posted some of the other diets mentioned above and two other top sellers to the left as well. They are, Eat This Not That, which claims to be a No Diet Weight Loss Solution, and Flat Belly Diet book. I have not read either of these but I have heard they are BIG on the diet books.
Pick a plan!
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