Hey there! How you doin? Hope you are having a great week so far.
You know, the number one question that is asked of me is, "HOW DO I DESTRESS MYSELF?" What a fully loaded question. The answer?!? The number one way to destress yourself, no matter what you are going through, is to change your way of thinking. Better yet, change your way of knowing. First, you have to know that you are the only thinker of your thoughts and therefore, you, and only you, are in charge of your thoughts. Second, you have to know that you have a choice, you can think thoughts of faith, or you can think thoughts of doubt, fear, and worry. Third, you have to know you can rid yourself of addictive, stressful, behavior. Fourth, you have to know you can replace addictive, stressful behavior with successful practices. This is so simple to see and know but it is not necessarily easy. Did you know that many people allow their minds to float on auto pilot, with doubt, fear, and worry about the future and anger, frustration, and guilt about the past? What if you chose to learn to be here, right here, right now. Like in the book, The Power of Now, it teaches you how to be fully present, to enjoy your present moment and not live in the past or future. What problem do you have right now? This very moment? You don't really, do you? Maybe you have problems you think about and anticipate in the future, but you don't really have anything but this moment, what you are doing now, or the person you are with. You are the thinker of your thoughts. Choose to enjoy this very moment. Did you know people worry about the worst thing that could happen rather than anticipating the best thing that could happen? That is the addictive, stressful behavior I am talking about. What is an addiction? My definition of an addiction is something that you cannot stop that is affecting you negatively. Like, drama in a relationship, getting offended easily and all the time, not liking others "just because", worrying about the future, blaming others for your failures, letting your thoughts and emotions run on auto pilot, focusing on what is wrong with your life, focusing on what you don't have, and being way too serious. Need I go on? Sound familiar? And stressful behavior is the thoughts and behavior we inflict upon ourselves that cause stress. Stress is not getting in a car crash, it is caused by what we think about after we crash. Stress is not loosing your job or home, it is caused by what we think and do about it during and after we loose it. So, "HOW DO I DESTRESS MYSELF?" KNOW THAT YOU, AND ONLY YOU, ARE IN CHARGE OF AND CAN CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS. KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE, YOU CAN CHOOSE FAITH IN OTHERS AND YOURSELF OVER DOUBT, FEAR, AND WORRY. KNOW THAT YOU CAN RECOGNIZE AND RID YOURSELF OF ADDICTIVE AND STRESSFUL BEHAVIOR. AND FINALLY, KNOW THAT YOU CAN REPLACE THAT ADDICTIVE AND STRESSFUL BEHAVIOR WITH SUCCESSFUL PRACTICES WHICH IS JUST THE OPPOSITE OF THAT BEHAVIOR. YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU GOT THE POWER!!! YOU CAN BE, DO, HAVE ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR HEART ON! Sounds so simple, doesn't it? But it is not necessarily easy. If you need help to destress yourself try my audio, you will be glad you did. It will change your life, I promise you. Have a great week, and don't forget to have fun and be playful. Speak soon... Elizabeth